
A simple wiki software.


Free & Open Source

BookStack is fully free and open, MIT licensed. The source is available on GitHub. There is no cost to downloading and installing your own instance of bookstack.

Easy, Simple Interface

Simplicity has been the top priority when building BookStack. The page editor has a simple WYSIWYG interface and all content is broken into three simple real world groups

Searchable and Connected

The content in BookStack is fully searchable. You are able to search at book level or across all books, chapters & pages. The ability to link directly to any paragraph allows you to keep your documentation connected.


Configuration options allow you to set-up BookStack to suit your use case. You can change the name, logo and registration options. You can also change whether the whole system is publicly viewable or not.

Simple Requirements

BookStack is built using PHP, on top of the Laravel framework and it uses MySQL to store data. Performance has been kept in mind and BookStack can run happily on a $5 Digital Ocean VPS.


The page editor within BookStack has drawing capability built-in, allowing the quick and easy creation of diagrams within your documentation.


BookStack users can set their preferred language. Thanks to great community contributors, current languages built into BookStack include EN, FR, DE, ES, IT, JA, NL, PL, RU and more.

Optional Markdown Editor

If you prefer to write in Markdown then BookStack supports you. A markdown editor is provided and includes a live-preview as you write your documentation.

Integrated Authentication

As well as the default email/password login social providers such as GitHub, Google, Slack, AzureAD and more can be used. Okta, SAML2 and LDAP options are available for enterprise environments.


PRICE $0 (Free) $5


$0 (Free) $5

Bookstack $0 (Free) $5